Outdoor Therapy
Aspen Achievement Academy is provides outdoor therapy programs for underachieving, hard-to-reach, treatment-resistant teens. The Academy has a flexible length of stay, with a minimum enrollment of 35 days.
Aspen Achievement Academy is a program for underachieving, hard-to-reach, treatment-resistant adolescents. Aspen offers a flexible length of stay, with a minimum enrollment of 35 days. The program provides a multidimensional method of treatment by combining an extensive diagnostic assessment with individual components of traditional therapy, experiential education, and "hands-on" outdoor learning. Aspen uses creative approaches with its outdoor experiences and a cooperative family-like environment to enhance traditional treatment methods.
The Academy is founded on the philosophy that the combination of experiential learning and cognitive process is the most effective means to treat our students.
New students entering Aspen Achievement Academy are assigned to a treatment group that is specially selected for them on the basis of their problems and therapeutic needs.
A treatment group consists of a therapist, teacher, medical personnel, field counselors and other students.
All new students join a group whose members are at different stages of the program. The benefits of entering a group with an established positive peer culture include positive behavior modeled by peers, an opportunity for "seasoned" students to help new students, and a chance to observe behaviors that are expected of them as they progress in the program.
Page last updated Nov 17, 2008