Jubilee Leadership Academy

Teen Rehab Program
$$$$ $$ Cost

A high quality year-round therapeutic boarding school for at-risk teenage boys, located in Washington State.

Facility map
Jubilee Lane
Walla Walla County
99348, United States
  • 35 Beds
  • Age Group
    13 - 18 years

Payment Options

  • Self-Pay

Treatments Offered

  • Faith-Based Recovery
  • Group Therapy
  • Recreational Therapy
  • Sports/Physical Exercise
  • Wilderness/Adventure Therapy

Patient Population

  • Boys-Only
  • Children/ Teenagers

Extra Services

  • Accredited Academics
  • Education Services
Jubilee Leadership Academy

More about Jubilee Leadership Academy

Through daily counseling sessions, the boys learn to become healthy and productive young men and continue their education. Academics and therapy are the main focus, but boys also enjoy extra-curricular programs like sports and various outdoor activities. For troubled boys with whom other approaches have failed, Jubilee can make the difference. Call 509-749-2103 for admission information.

Treatment and Philosophy

Therapy, accredited academics, sports, outdoor extra-curricular programs.

Jubilee Leadership Academy Reviews

Review this Center
6 years, 6 months ago

JLA is an abusive environment. The young boys/men are surrounded by staff who daily abuse them verbally, physically and emotionally with no way to report what's happening to their parents because all calls are monitored.

Corrupt director who cares very little, doing nothing for those who are weaker or more troubled. These boys have no voice. No self-worth and beaten down to the point that running away is their only option to become free and get help. Many young men have come through Jubilee Leadership Academy, formally called Jubilee Youth Ranch with horrific stories.

If you are the few chosen to be their poster boys then life is great. They get attention from the director and his wife. But if you don't come from money then you are thrown to the dogs and left to be the punching bag from those who are favored. Medication is distributed by unauthorized personal and also stolen from the boy. Drugs, alcohol, you name it, it's readily available at JLA. If you report it to the staff then you are called a rate and beaten up.

The damage is real! The lives of these precious boys will never be the same. Who will speak out for them? A voice and a family who has suffered under JLA and wants something to change before more boys come home damaged!

Clinical Care
Range of services
How much did you pay? $35K+
How did you pay? Self-Pay
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