The Richmond Clinic in Indiana offers methadone and Suboxone detox, short- and long-term maintenance programs, and outpatient drug treatment for various types of addiction.
Specializing in safe and painless withdrawal from opiate addiction, the clinic goes beyond medication management by offering drug counseling, drug testing and a full range of addiction treatment services. After completing a simple admissions process, every patient is assigned a counselor who guides them through the journey of recovery. A caring treatment team made up of doctors, nurses and counselors tailors a plan that allows patients to effectively battle their addiction with minimal disruption to their lives. Located in Richmond, the outpatient drug rehab program is within easy reach of a number of Ohio and Indiana towns, including Greenville, Oxford, New Castle, Clayton, Trenton, Hamilton, Muncie, Franklin and surrounding areas. One of Indiana's oldest cities, Richmond boasts good schools, employment opportunities and an excellent quality of life.