At Rolling Hills Recovery Center, our vision for clients and staff is through the power of connectedness, warmth, and support of others, opportunities to learn and exchange ideas, the utilization of the most advanced medical and psychological interventions, and a more positive sense of self. We believe you will emerge from the devastating effects of substance use and awaken to a life of healthy relationships, greater personal fulfillment, more meaningful service, and spiritual expansion.
Above all else, we are committed to client care and improving the quality of their lives. Our goal is to deliver the highest quality, cost-effective healthcare to the community we serve. We recognize and affirm the unique worth of each individual. We treat all those we do with care, compassion, and kindness. We act with absolute honesty, integrity, and fairness in how we conduct our business and live our lives.
1. To Rescue: RHRC believes that each person we engage in initiating the treatment process is a person we have rescued from the seemingly hopeless state of body and mind that results from addiction and alcoholism. For that reason, we call every admit to one of our facilities a “Rescue.”
2. To Transform: RHRC believes the treatment process must transform a person to recover. Therefore, we call everyone who completes one of our programs a “transformation.”
3. Through Innovation: Innovation can be defined as something original and, consequently, new that "breaks into" the market or society. RHRC believes that we will be able to help more people more effectively and efficiently than ever through innovation.
Rolling Hills Recovery Center is pleased to offer intensive treatment for addictive disorders. We provide a unique therapeutic experience to help address this illness's varied expressions in all aspects of your life. Rolling Hills Recovery Center is a multi-disciplinary program for treating individuals who suffer from all substance use disorders involving mind and mood-altering substances. We also provide treatment for co-occurring disorders, which can interfere with long-term recovery.
We utilize a comprehensive array of innovative approaches that offer the best evidence-based practices for treating addictive disorders and a wide range of other interventions commonly used in Integrative or Holistic Medicine. When you enter the Rolling Hills Recovery Center program, you join a community of people willing to undertake the discipline necessary to bring about lasting change committed to treating the disease of addiction and placing it into remission.
We believe addiction is a chronic disease that, if left untreated, will expand into all areas of your life, destroying the possessions you value, your relationships, your integrity, and eventually your life.