ReVive Center, formerly Cathedral Shelters of Chicago, is a certified long-term residential addiction treatment program and affordable housing provider for homeless men and criminal justice clients. Free of charge to those in need.
A Baltimore rescue mission offering residential low or no cost drug treatment to 220 men each year. A 1 year recovery, education and vocational training program. In Baltimore.
Offers a 6 month residential treatment program for adult men and women. The "rent" is $125 per week, and all participants must find employment within two weeks of entery into the residence. Sober living, therapy and peer support. Residents must be willing to commit to a stay of at least 6 months and agree to abide by the rules of the house. in Waukegan.
A free or very low cost long term residential drug and alcohol rehab for adult men. faith-based, men will be required to work within the organization as they pass through the program. In Morristown New Jersey.
A huge community spiritual program of recovery. Now housing almost 300 recovering addicts in numerous halfway houses throughout Baltimore. Free or very affordable, confrontational therapies.
A Christian non profit drug and alcohol rehab for adult men and women. Very low-cost, or free to those in need.
A certified long term and very affordable or free Christian drug and alcohol rehab for men over 18. faith-based recovery and Christian living.
A faith-based recovery home for men, in Ft Lauderdale. $190 per week.
Faith based addiction treatment center, we help people in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. We are here to assist people along this difficult journey.