Find rehabs and addiction treatment in Alabama

Within the state of Alabama, hundreds of treatment centers offer services to those with substance abuse problems. Ranging from private and exclusive to affordable yet comprehensive... to even low or no cost to those in need; there is a drug or alcohol rehab for everyone! Drug treatment works, and there is always hope, no matter how bad things seem.

If you require state-funded addiction treatment, sliding-scale based addiction treatment is available from outpatient and inpatient rehabs that contract with the Alabama Department of Mental Health (ADMH).

An initial screening will determine eligibility for state-funded free or low-cost addiction treatment services. A screening score of two or more positive responses indicates high risk and will lead to an assessment. The assessment will determine the appropriate services needed and the recommended level of care. This may involve services for

Community rehab programs are offered for distinct populations such as adolescents, adults, pregnant women, women with children, and people with dual diagnosis/ co-occurring disorders (mental illnesses and substance use disorders).

State-funded co-occuring disorder treatment is available in Calhoun, Chilton, Cullman, Dale, Jefferson, Lauderdale, Mobile, Montgomery, Morgan, and Shelby counties.

The ADMH also manages Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT), including opioid treatment programs (OTPs). These programs combine behavioral therapy and medications to treat addiction. The medications used to treat opioid addiction include buprenorphine (Suboxone, Subutext), methadone, and naltrexone (oral medication or injectable form known as Vivitrol). There are 21 certified OTP programs in Alabama. Some OTP’s offer additional medications (buprenorphine, naltrexone) in addition to methadone.

You may also receive buprenorphine from an office-based doctor who has specialized training. Naltrexone may be provided by any doctor. Services are available in Calhoun, Chilton, Colbert, Cullman, Dale, Etowah, Houston, Jackson, Jefferson, Madison, Marion, Mobile, Montgomery, Shelby, Tuscaloosa, and Walker counties.

Pregnant women have priority admission to ALL certified treatment providers in Alabama and there are NO admission fees for pregnant women and women who have care and custody of dependent children; or have lost custody of dependent children and have the potential for family reunification. Children can accompany mom to treatment.

If you or a loved-one is experiencing an addiction crisis and just need to speak with someone about it, please check out ROSS - The Recovery Organization of Support Specialists.

To best determine your eligibility for state-funded drug or alcohol rehab treatment, call the ADMH Substance Use Disorder Helpline (844) 307-1760 - available 24h.

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