Find rehabs and addiction treatment in Maine

Whether from opioids, meth, alcoholism, heroin or prescription pills; families in Maine suffer greatly from the pains of drug and alcohol addiction. Fortunately, the Maine State Legislature has adopted progressive parity legislation, and forces insurance companies in the state to treat addiction treatment as a legitimate medical condition, deserving of equal funding to physical health conditions.

Even if you don’t have comprehensive health insurance such as a PPO plan, there are still several free or affordable drug and alcohol treatment options available within the state. Maine funds treatment beds at a number of subsidized drug and alcohol rehabs across the state, and even if you are not eligible for Medicaid, you may find that you can access these state-funded drug and alcohol rehab programs.

In addition to state-funded rehab, there also exist a number of charity or non-profit drug and alcohol rehabs, rehabs that will take you in regardless of your ability to pay for services.

Don’t suffer from addiction thinking that you can’t afford drug rehab. You can get help!

If you have a medical emergency, please call 911. If you are in need of crisis support, please call Maine's 24hr state-wide crisis helpline 1-888-568-1112. For state social services, please visit 211 Main or dial 2-1-1.

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