Find rehabs and addiction treatment in Oregon

Oregon has its fair share of addiction problems. Opioid dependency, alcoholism and addiction to methaphetamins has affected many households in Oregon, and heroin and cocaine can be found throughout the state. Thankfully, whatever addiction you or a loved-one struggles with, there is help, and treatment works!

If you lack comprehensive private health insurance and cannot afford to self-pay for treatment, there are several free/affordable treatment programs available throughout the state.

You may also be eligible for Oregon State-funded treatment, even if you do not currently qualify for other state subsidies. The State of Oregon will fund drug and alcohol rehab treatment for those with low incomes and who are uninsured. Please contact the Oregon Alcohol and Drug Help Line on 1-800-923-4357 for more information.

Wherever in Oregon you are, and however much or little money you have, you can get help!

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