Beachfront home on the beach that provide a relaxing setting conducive to recovery. All-inclusive stay (meals, housing, counseling and recreation) with private and semi-private rooms.
Nexstep Medical Detox is a private facility based in Orem, Utah that offers professional medical detox services. These services include medically assisted detox from prescription medications, all abusable drugs, and alcohol. Our approach provides a comforting and supportive environment with tailored medical plans and daily clinical treatment, setting us apart from hospital-based detox programs.
The ARC center in Harrisburg, PA offers residential housing, work, and group and individual therapy, all in a clean, wholesome environment.
Abraxas Youth & Family Services in Woodridge, IL (formerly Cornell) runs multiple residential treatment facilities across the state of Illinois.
Chestnut Health Systems in Bloomington is a treatment facility and inpatient rehab for men and women, as well as expectant mothers and women with children. They may have some payment assistance available to fund your treatment.